This is a collaboration with the community of Khachik, Vayots Dzor Region, Armenia. Khachik is a typical Border Village.
Community Archive
This is a temporary home: The selective family photo albums shown here, are the beginning of a wider project. Conceptually, once we have completed the initial scanning of the family photo albums of the families in the community, the idea is to roll this out further. Indeed, the ambition is to give the local project leader, Sona, access to a portal whereby she can approve uploads from the Diaspora and others. The community will remain in control who can/ cannot contribute. The idea has been discussed with the community since December 2020. As a Community Archive, the idea is to support the issues of Identity, Memory and Self. No reprinting permission without prior written consent. All copyright with the families and the Editor.
Badalyan, Arshaluys
Abrahamjan, Melsik
Asatryan, Samwel
Gevorkyan, Rubik
Khazaryan, Lazr